Not currently open for submissions.
All submissions to be addressed to the Fiction Editors and emailed to: submissions(at)fourinkpress.com
(NOTE: replace (at) with the @ symbol)
Email subject lines should read in the following format: SUBMISSION: (SUBMISSION CATEGORY): (TITLE): (WORD COUNT)
Example: SUBMISSION: Short Story: The End of Days: 3050
Submission categories are as follows:
Short Story (up to 7500 words)
Novellete (7,500 - 17,500 words)
Novella (17,501 - 40,000 words)
Single Author Collections (min 20,000 words - max 50,000)
A short cover letter is required. Please include your legal name, pen name (if relevant), contact information, recent publications/awards (if any), and a bio of 50-150 words.
Please do not be concerned if you do not have previous publications or awards. New writers are welcome at Four Ink Press!
Submissions should be attached in the email as a .doc or .docx.
All submissions should be formatted as per Shunn’s manuscript style.